Monday 20 October 2014

Are Your Songs Hot? Can They Sell? We Have Just The Platform For Indie Gospel Artists To Show The World You Have What it Takes!

Are Your Songs Hot? Can They Sell? We Have Just The Platform For Indie Gospel Artists To Show The World You Have What it Takes!

“For a limited time only, our marketers will promote your song free of charge giving you the chance to show your talent to millions”

1. Historically, major labels controlled radio, venues, and distribution channels. But, online technology changed the game!
2. Our marketing team offers strategies that target and identify your fans who are most likely to purchase your style of music!
3. Our strategy help you develop a relationship with your potential fans using a automated software tool!
4. We sell directly to and monetize your relationships! No out of pocket pay for managers, booking agents, attorneys, venues, etc! You Keep %100 of all your earnings we create for you!
5. You Don’t Need Major Record Labels Nowdays; Just A Good Product, Modern Technology, And A Good Marketing Strategy!
Gospel Music Promotion
“Find out how you can become our spotlight artist that receives even more publicity, exposure, and sells with direct-to-fan marketing representation”

Submit Free Christian Content
  • Squeeze Page Marketing
  • Radio Interview
  • Large Banners
  • Magazine Publication
  • Newspaper Publications
  • Email Marketing
  • Songs Posted For Sale
  • Video Advertising
  • Content Management
  • WordPress & Blogger PR
  • Distribution On Eagle Ads
  • Multiple Website Hubs
  • Amazon and iTunes Listing
  • Much More Included in Package

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